Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lines & Surrealism

Im suppose to come up with 5 different design of a book cover using lines elements for the book titled : Mind Lines : Lines for changing mind by L. Micheal Hall. Ph.d .
Top of that a surrealism photo montage.

So here they are .. so penny of ur thoughts and comments.. leave them here..especially SHAWN

Mind Lines



  1. Yeah, the first one's got a good balance of imagery and text. font is well chosen and the size is big enough, sits nicely in your white spaces. the "cut" you did created a sense of surrealism. nice.

    2nd one's not bad, but im not sure how that relates to surrealism.. i see a "Y". But i like the choice of font. good job on choosing a sans serif font.

    3rd one looks like a textbook. haha. the white space you created for the text is rather distracting, draws the attention away from the lines. perhaps the text could follow the perspective of the lines?

    4th one - text going in too many directions. reader will get distracted. book cover needs to catch the consumer at a glance, so probably a better idea to limit the number of directions in which your text flows. it seems a little incomplete though.. like something missing. especially the bottom left corner.

    last one's damn bright lah! hahahaha!!! suggest a lighter tint or darker shade of pink. the contrast is too glaring, your fonts are lost - especially the sub-heading and the author. dont be afraid to make the font bolder. think it will have a better effect.

    kk for all its worth. talk too much hand tired liao. hahaha!! all the best! ;)

  2. eh.. bro..the surrealism is only for the last photo lah
    the one with the sea shell one ..
    okie.. the book cover .. almost the same what my lecture says.. when i m doing last 2 cover.. my brain juice just died on me.. lol..
    okok... i too like the 2nd .. hehe..

  3. wahahahah. surreealllissssmmm. nt my kinda thg~wil post mine up soon.
    oh yosh why dun u try to complete ur surrealism poster wi wad u had in mind???? will b nice=]

  4. lol..
    hey. will complete it when i have spare time.. schedule will be quite pack with work til next mth end..

    finger cross for the new job coming up.. :) hehe..
    hope it doesn't work out the same thing as last time.. :)

  5. i like the first and the fourth book cover designs. they're the ones that caught my attention, especially the first one, reminded me of the motion graphics alfred hitchcock used in the starting credits for one of his movies.

    the pink one didn't really work for me, all the intersecting lines made it quite confusing and the words were a little thin for my liking. i agree the colour is a little bright.

    the other two are 'okay' designs, but they don't really peak my interest. the second design might look more interesting if you filled each part of the cover that is divided by the 'Y' lines in a different colours, or different shades of a colour.

  6. cool.. will improve on the design over time.. hehe..
    Hey.. i've finally got my first design job.. lolz.. shhhhhhhhh

  7. Logo, namecard, brochure.. and stuff. for print.. first time.. hope i can pull it off..
    if this works.. den i think im ready to get my own namecard le..

  8. Sweet! Congrats and good luck!
